Registered learners who correctly answer 80% or more on a lesson's CE quiz within the Self-Study section or on a Question Bank topic AND complete the survey may obtain free CE (CME credits, CNE contact hours, or CE contact hours) and pharmacology CE for advanced practice nurses on any of the University of Washington Infectious Diseases Education & Assessment (IDEA) Program's five online curricula:
Hepatitis B Online: 12 CE, 9 Pharmacology CE
Hepatitis C Online: 31 CE, 12 Pharmacology CE
βNational HIV Curriculum: 87 CE, 58.5 Pharmacology CE
National HIV PrEP Curriculum: (NEW!): 12.5 CE, 8.5 Pharmacology CE
βNational STD Curriculum: 36.5 CE, 15.25 Pharmacology CE
All the websites allow you to start anywhere you want and offer an individualized progress tracker.
Complete list of CE available for each curricula: